Thursday, December 04, 2008

Swings, Swings, Swings

Thanks to Flickr Aadhi ARTS

If there is one thing I have lately become fascinated about after the purchase of our first home, it is Swings. I have seen one in my father-in-laws house and it's is an absolute beauty. A beautiful kind of wood (traditionally teak) held together by strong chain links bolted to the ceiling and it reminded me of how this too is culture, tradition that must be kept alive. I have seen in many Indian movies, the usage of the swings and the presence of it was vital. The head of the household was often seen gently swinging away making important decisions from midair. It showed stature. It is the place heroes and heroins first fell in love, the place where a mother sang tunes to her sleeping baby, the only place where a beauty with long tresses awaited her distanced and estranged lover.

Below are some examples of the more contemporary and still some traditional uses of swings.

Thanks to photo from Ounodesign

Hanging daybed in the Casa Redonda hotel in Puerto Rico
Thanks to photo from Ounodesign

Look at this sweet thing. Globo Swing Seat.

Aah, here we see the old style swing. Heavy set pillars, decorative
chain links, motif bases, and very detailed ledges all come together
as an actual piece of furniture. You can have these hand-painted and
hand-carved swings imported from India.
Thanks to armadilliz (flickr)

Forget the details of Indian swings, this swing is just for pure fun!
Simple and beautiful!

Look at the details on the chains.


  1. Hey Preets,

    I really love the fact how the simplest objects in our homes impact us.
    You picked a good one in analyzing and evoking thoughts of back home. Being a kid and looking at this thing which is usually in a playground be right in the middle of the "Hall" and as a kid, it is just pure joy.

    Looking forward to reading more....

  2. That's right bhaiya. I really tried so hard to get one installed in my home in Dallas but it's a lot of money and I really don't mind the hard work..

    Well, I am just so happy that you commented and you enjoyed the read.
    Lots of love and peace.

  3. Dear Preetu

    Wonderful, cute, traditional,stylish selections.
    A few seconds, I was in my FANTASY world...
    Thanks for sharing good moments of happiness..

  4. Preeti Akhil

    Beautiful pictures.

    Anonymous is none other than ammavi

  5. Hi Amavi,
    Thank you so much for commenting. Keep visiting.
    Love you lots
