Thursday, June 18, 2009


What we say and what we mean.

I am happy making these illustrations. To tell you the truth, I am in absolute glee that I have decided to get back into paintings, drawings, collages. They allow me to openly express what I want relayed without running through approvals.

When I am tired from graphic design, I turn to simple things like paint and paper. Please comment away on stuff you see. It always gives me encouragement and I would love to have a dialogue with you, my reader. :)


  1. oh nice!! I like what I see!! Infact I am going to share this with my daughter.. She'd absolutely love it!!

    Also.. I so agree with you.. I often start scribbling on paper as well.. Its the easiest way to express yourself...

  2. Thank you Patricia. I was starved for a comment. :) Thank you so much sharing it with your daughter.

  3. Approved, Please import :). This is brain always reverts to the elementary when I'm overwhelmed!

  4. What a surprise to find your comment here Lorraine! It's great. Thank you for visiting. And yes, the elementary sometimes saves us designers from just getting overwhelmed and running away. I love to blog this way. Thank you for reading.
